Home Buyers Advisory Blog

RENT or BUY? 4 Startling Benefits of Homeownership

10 May 2020 12:16:26 PM / by Aidan-John Rothman in Renting vs buying, Financial Freedom

Don't ignore the facts... research continues to show that homeowners and their families achieve significant benefits if they own their home compared to those that rent.

To understand why this is the case, consider that homeownership...


Sihle and Themba: A case study of renting vs buying

30 Aug 2018 9:00:00 AM / by Aidan-John Rothman in Renting vs buying, Financial Freedom

In helping families become homeowners we have heard many stories of struggle and success. Themba and Sihle are the embodiment of some of these stories...
So, whether you are like Themba, and on your way to financial freedom, or you are a bit more like Sihle, we believe we can all learn something from this case study to see how renting vs buying a home affected their experiences...